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How to submit "Poll Information" form


  1. After login select the "My Account" link on top of the page.

  2. Once you get in the "My Account" page from the create menu on the left click on the "New Poll" link.

  3. The "Poll Information" page will appear. Fill out the Poll information:

    • Start Date: It should be greater than the date in which you create the poll with MM/DD/YYYY format.

    • End Date: Should be greater than the start date and it should not exceed 12 months starting from the creation date. The format is MM/DD/YYYY.

    • Poll Title: Enter the poll title.

    • Poll Category: Select the appropriate poll category.

    • Poll Question: Provide the question for your poll.

    • How many answers? Provide the number of answers. (The limit is 10)

  4. Click on "Add" button.

  5. If all information is correct you should see Answer boxes. If you got an error, correct the form and click on "Save" button.

  6. Fill out the answers. You can change the number of answers or delete them using "Change number of answers to" field or "Delete" button.

  7. Save the poll. You will be redirected to the preview page.

  8. You can choose "Activate", "Finish without activating", or "Edit" button.

  9. Once you activate the poll from this page or from "My Polls" page, the poll will be available for voting.

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